74FP SlideLOK Read Coupling…

  • SlideLOK® 74 Vertical Installation Video

Gone are the days of old school pull apart style couplings as different brands of installation ready couplings have flooded the market. The Slidelok 74FP rigid coupling conforms to all standard cut and roll groove spec, meaning no expensive, proprietary tooling needed.

The 74FP’s ability to slide over the groove and onto the pipe while you get everything properly aligned is a blessing when it comes to retrofit work.

2 steps for install:

  1. Align coupling properly on groove
  2. Tighten nuts… evenly

We’re not looking for pads to touch with this style, if you tighten evenly and you can’t see any gasket material (when looking for the side) you’re all set! Couplings are FM and uLc listed and come painted or galvanized allowing for installation on wet or dry systems.